Apple - Irish Peach

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Irish Peach – Early & Flavourful

A heritage Irish apple, ripening very early in summer. Small, greenish-yellow fruit with a peachy aroma and sweet, tangy flavour. Soft, juicy flesh. A great choice for eating straight from the tree.

Rootstock options:
Compact, ideal for smaller gardens.
Mid-sized, productive tree.
Larger tree, best for open spaces.

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Irish Peach – Early & Flavourful

A heritage Irish apple, ripening very early in summer. Small, greenish-yellow fruit with a peachy aroma and sweet, tangy flavour. Soft, juicy flesh. A great choice for eating straight from the tree.

Rootstock options:
Compact, ideal for smaller gardens.
Mid-sized, productive tree.
Larger tree, best for open spaces.

Irish Peach – Early & Flavourful

A heritage Irish apple, ripening very early in summer. Small, greenish-yellow fruit with a peachy aroma and sweet, tangy flavour. Soft, juicy flesh. A great choice for eating straight from the tree.

Rootstock options:
Compact, ideal for smaller gardens.
Mid-sized, productive tree.
Larger tree, best for open spaces.

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